Surviving Origin, Part 1 & 2

The latest releases in the Cyrus Cooper series have been in the works for a long time, but I think the new books will be worth the wait. After the big reveal at the end of Halon-Seven, there were so many directions I could take the story. My problem was that I liked many of them so much that selecting a path was difficult.

As the title suggests, Surviving Origin (SO) brings the fringe technology cult into focus. The group was peripherally mentioned in Rouge Faction Part 2 and Halon-Seven. These new books pull harder at long-standing plot threads, such as Cyrus’s origin, the murky past of the Coalition, and Gertrude Waterford’s paranormal experimentation in Rouge Faction 1 and 2. I plan one more book in the series, pulling all these threads and more into what I expect to be an exciting conclusion.

For now, I am happy to announce the print and ebook releases of Surviving Origin, Part 1 and Part 2.

By |2024-09-21T09:46:06-05:00September 21st, 2024|Progress Updates, Writing|0 Comments

I Will Be Attending Robinsonfest 2024

I will be in St. Augustine, Florida, this October for Robinsonfest 2024. Spend four days with a growing list of talented authors and enthusiastic readers. Authors include:

  • Jeremy Robinson
  • Kane Gilmour
  • Kent Holloway
  • J.M. Leduc
  • Matt James
  • Xander Weaver

Audiobook fans will meet the face and voice behind a rapidly growing list of titles: Dan Delgado.

Hit this link for the latest updates, hotel recommendations, and the event agenda.

By |2024-07-07T15:53:19-05:00July 7th, 2024|Writing|0 Comments

Now Available: Black Rock: The Rising

It has been a while since my last published book, but that hasn’t been for a lack of writing. If anything, it’s because I have been working on too many projects at once. Today, I released the first book in a new series, Black Rock: The Rising, Death Curse.


While my past books have been primarily action/thriller with a twist of sci-fi, this book trends a little more toward the supernatural with concepts like remote viewing, mysterious disappearing islands, and witches burned at the stake. But not to worry, there’s also mystery, adventure, mafia enforcers, and characters that make it all worthwhile.

As always, I write the kind of stories I want to read. I hope you enjoy the experience as much as I enjoyed writing it.

The Amazon ebook lands today and the print release can be expected closer to the end of May.

By |2023-04-24T20:12:49-05:00April 24th, 2023|Progress Updates, Writing|0 Comments

New Release: Halon-Seven

Halon-Seven cover iconThe latest release in the Cyrus Cooper thriller series is now available in Kindle e-book format and trade paperback at Amazon and other major book retailers.  Though Halon-Seven is book #4 in the series, it also works well as a standalone introduction to the series.  New readers are offered a heart-pounding introduction to Cyrus Cooper.  Fans of the series will find him at a pivotal new point in his life.orange_amazon_buynow-300x12511  If you’re new to the series, Halon-Seven offers tantalizing hints about Cyrus’s past.  Some secrets are covered in the earlier books but some will be revealed with the release of book #5: Surviving Origin.  If you’ve followed since book #1, you’re not going to believe where this edition ends up.

In any case, this is the best book yet.  I’m certain of it.

By |2017-04-21T17:12:49-05:00January 16th, 2016|Progress Updates, Writing|0 Comments

New Release: Rogue Faction Part 2

Rogue Faction: Part 2Book #3 in my Cyrus Cooper thriller series is available today.  This is part two of the Rogue Faction story arc, and the conclusion of an important transition in the character’s life.  The book is available now for all Kindle compatible devices.  The print version will ship in approximately two weeks.orange_amazon_buynow-300x12511

The books are serialized, in that the events of each new release build on everything that has come before them.  One of the things I did to try and make this obvious is to put Book One, Book Two, and so on in the title of each.  The characters evolve and develop over time, just like anyone.  By the end of this book, the protagonist is very different from the young man introduced in book #1.

By |2017-04-21T17:17:41-05:00January 14th, 2015|Progress Updates, Writing|0 Comments

New Release: Rogue Faction Part 1

rogue_faction_part1The second book in my Cyrus Cooper series went on sale through Amazon first thing this morning.  Rogue Faction Part 1 is the first half of a pair of novels that comprise a single larger story.  It has everything you would expect: murder, mystery, mayhem, and lots of action.  If you were wondering what comes next for Cyrus Cooper after the events in Dangerous Minds, I don’t think you will be disappointed.  Cyrus is back in action, this time working a new case that’s near and dear to his heart.

orange_amazon_buynow-300x12511Part 2 of this story should be released shortly after the first of the year.  Since Part 1 is “To Be Continued,” I don’t want anyone left waiting for the rest of the story.  Part 1 is action packed, but Part 2 is going to take folks places they didn’t expect.  It should be a lot of fun… and it might pull at some heart strings along the way.

By |2017-04-21T17:27:04-05:00December 3rd, 2014|Progress Updates, Writing|0 Comments

Rogue Faction Part 1 & Kindle Scout

Amazon launched a new crowdsourcing initiative earlier this week called Kindle Scout.  Authors can submit previously unpublished books into the program and Amazon then gets a 45-day exclusive with that manuscript.  A sample is made available to Amazon account holders and readers then effectively vote on the books they like best.  The so-called winners get a publishing contract with one of Amazon’s imprints.  I’ve submitted Rogue Faction Part 1 into the program.  You can find it here:  Read the sample.  Give it a vote if you like.  The program will be ongoing—I’m in it through November 27th, 2014 with this submission.  Users can vote for 3 books every 30 days.  When the month rolls over, you can vote for another 3 books.  It’s an interesting experiment in crowdsourcing.  Amazon is essentially using its customers to help surface the books that readers like best.  Then it awards those authors a publishing contract.

By |2017-04-21T17:29:07-05:00October 30th, 2014|Misc., Writing|0 Comments

Ten Books that Have Stuck with Me

The social circus has been buzzing with a question that I found interesting.  What are 10 books that have stuck with you?  The idea is to create a list of books that had an impact on you the lasted for months, or even years.  It’s a great question, and one I only needed to give a little thought to before creating my list.  The major shortcoming of the meme that’s making its way around the social networks is that it doesn’t ask people to explain what it was about a given book that affected them.

Here’s my list of 10 books, and the reasons they have stuck with me.  There is no significance to the order in which they appear.

1. One Second After by William R. Forstchen
This book takes a very plausible look at what life in North America might be like following an EMP detonation that leaves everyone and everything without electrical power. Once you look at the facts of the matter, it’s hard to get this book out of your head.

2. Daemon by Daniel Suarez
One of the best techno-thrillers of our day. Suarez is an author who gets cutting edge technology right, and uses it great effect.

3. Yeager: An Autobiography by Chuck Yeager
Seriously, this is a story you need to experience. Yeager was the first to break the sound barrier and is a hero among heroes. But did you know that he almost washed out of the Air Force before it was even known as the Air Force? There are lots of fascinating stories in this book.


By |2017-04-21T17:30:56-05:00August 25th, 2014|Misc.|1 Comment

Welcome to the Blog Tour

The blog tour: one author tags three others, and they share information about themselves and their work.  In this case, J. Kent Holloway has tagged me.  You can read his blog post here.

1) What am I working on?

I am in the process of pulling together revisions on the final drafts of book #2 and #3 in the Cyrus Cooper series.  The books will be titled Rogue Faction Part 1 and Part 2, respectively.  The project was too big to fit into a single release, so I’ve split it into two parts—both of which will be longer than book #1, Dangerous Minds.

Since I don’t like the idea of leaving book #2 on a cliffhanger, I’m planning to release book #3 soon after #2.  Both parts have already been written.  It’s just a matter of finishing work with beta readers and the editor before I can put the books on virtual shelves.


By |2017-04-21T17:32:29-05:00August 11th, 2014|Progress Updates, Writing|0 Comments

Dangerous Minds: Available Now!


I’m excited to announce the release of the first novel in the Cyrus Cooper thriller series: Dangerous Minds!  I was trying to get it posted and available on for June 1st, but I
actually beat the deadline by 2 days.  So while June 1st was the official launch date, those who were watching Amazon closely, noticed that the book arrived slightly ahead of schedule.

Here’s the copy that’s currently displayed with the book on Amazon:


When test subjects participating in secret experiments begin to mysteriously die, Cyrus Cooper, the youngest recruit of the ‘Coalition’—a secret law enforcement organization—is assigned to prevent the program’s lead researcher from being the next victim. But there’s a catch: The seventy-four-year-old neuroscientist, Gertrude Waterford, has flatly refused any type of protective detail. Cyrus goes undercover, taking a position as a personal assistant in order to enter the life of the brash, elderly scientist. When multiple attempts are made on her life, however, not only must Cyrus protect the headstrong lady, but he must also uncover the perpetrator of the attacks before it’s too late. 

His job might’ve been easier if he’d been fully briefed on the nature of Waterford’s research. After working for decades to genetically trigger different paranormal gifts in her patients, she’s made some unusually powerful and extremely dangerous enemies. 

Cyrus Cooper’s efforts take him from high-rise apartments to secret underground research facilities, with stops at forgotten rendition sites and forsaken mental institutions along the way. And as the threats grow in force and number, Cyrus faces a race against time, and a war where all the players on the battlefield are anything but trustworthy. 


“Weaver’s debut is a tense ride through the seamier sides of science, technology, the mind, and the paranormal. Gripping action and intrigue, brilliant escapes, and a whole lot of fun. Cyrus Cooper is a fascinating new hero.” 
—Kane Gilmour, Bestselling Author of Ragnarok and Resurrect 

Xander Weaver delivers a debut thriller with energy, depth, and twists rarely seen from experienced authors. A must-read for any thriller lover. 
—Seeley James, author of BRING IT, and other Pia Sabel thrillers

That includes amazing blurbs from Kane Gilmour and Seeley James.  That was incredible generous of both accomplished authors.  Somehow saying thank you just doesn’t seem like enough, given the level of support I’ve received.

By |2017-04-21T17:34:24-05:00June 1st, 2014|Progress Updates, Writing|0 Comments


Progress Meter

Surviving Origin (book #5):

225,000 / 225,000 words. 100.0% done.


36,600 / 90,000 words. 40% done.
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